Tea dress in vintage lace"Tell us a bit about yourself name, location, affiliations, personal stuff.
My name is Louise Hedley, I live downtown Manhattan with my husband and son, a cairn terrier and a goldfish named Mac...
Apart from creating things, what do you do?
I am a mother and I love to cook, I love my home, my neighborhood, and the farmers market. We spend most weekends in nature, hiking, birding, discovering. It's precious family time.
What first made you want to become an artist?
I studied dance at university and enjoyed it professionally, I arrived in NYC in 1996, I fell in love with the city and was soon searching for another way to survive, my husband (whom I married later) knew of my love for vintage clothing. He suggested I try making my own, 11 years on and it has been an extremely satisfying learning process, I'm very happy with my work as it is today.
Please describe your creative process how, when, materials, etc.
I have been collecting vintage fabric since the early 1990s, it began with old silk curtains that I turned into skirts, soon enough tablecloths, bed linens, whatever I could find. Being self taught, I don't have a set way, sometimes I approach a design beginning with the fabric, sometimes I have a design in mind. I tend to develop whatever patterns I am working with, simple tweaks here and there and a new design emerges... I also quilt, when I want to slow down, it's extraordinary when you start out with nothing and then with a little time and perseverance it turns out to be something immensely gratifying.
What handmade possession do you most cherish?
My family album and our nature table, a collection of found treasure from our nature trips.
What advice would you give to artists who are new to Etsy?
Concentrate on what you are doing not what everyone else is doing ...
What are your favorite features on Etsy? What new features would you like to see?
There are so many great features, I guess the growing size of the community is the most awesome... can’t think of any improvement :)
How do you promote your work?
I don't , since joining Etsy I have had no need to. I keep the shop updated and etsy brings people thru the door. It’s great being featured on blogs but I don't go looking for it. Once the customer has bought something I usually see return buyers so that’s really very cool...
In ten years I'd like to be...
together with those I love and for us all to be in good health."
interview via etsy's featured sellerBLOG *