Saturday, October 6, 2012
Turtle Doves
October - Robert Frost - O hushed October Morning Mild (5x7 note card)
"The first interest I felt in art was when I saw my mom turn a series of circles and shapes into a drawing of a rabbit. I was amazed. I thought my mom was a great artist, and I wanted to be one too. Sort of like Mom--with her circle-and-shapes bunny--mixing, matching, and putting things together is the way I like to work. Collage and assemblage are the perfect mediums for me. I enjoy painting, too, and incorporating that into mixed media work. I have a wonderful husband who encourages me in all that I do or try. When I think something is awful, he manages to find something good in it. He's the solid earth of my life. I have etsy shops with different styles, for when my dopplegänger and I switch places. You can find those shops by searching for WhatInSamHill (folk art) or SamFlorance. (contemporary)."
bio written by Sam via the etsy profile ETSY * BLOG
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