
Monday, February 27, 2012


Throw pillow little houses print in cream on blush pink - hand printed on linen pillow cushion cover
"Hi welcome to Earthlab.
After many years of creating on the computer screen only, I rediscovered the thrill of making something I can touch with my own hands. I was hooked, and looked about for a way to combine my interest in interiors with a sustainable and ethical aproach to business. I discovered eco felt made from recycled plastic bottles, a really cool way of converting what was once waste into beautiful things. Recently I have begun using organic cotton in most of my designs, as well as linen, which requires a lot less water, energy and pesticides in it's production, making it more eco friendly.
My designs appeal to adults and children alike, if I can bring a smile to your face when you use one of my pillows then I've achieved my aim!
I am inspired by natural forms, science, colour and the materials themselves. I also have two young children and like to make things I think they or their friends would like. In fact I am hoping to expand my children's range soon, just as soon as my kids will leave me in peace for a moment and stop bugging me for, I don't know, dinner and stuff! Watch this space!"
bio written by Kate via the etsy profile

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