
Saturday, January 21, 2012

Gillian Lee Smith

Endlessly waiting to light the way home
"My love of storytelling and history, puppets and dolls, characters and costumes, fairytales and folklore, dreams and memories are all the things contained in the everyday whirling mind of a person who does not wish to be rooted in the realistic present. Inside my head, glimpses of other lives tell stories that resonate with melancholic sentiment. Puppets and dolls with heart and emotion, long lost souls, decadence and decay, the richness, texture, contrasts and complexities of life. All are endlessly fascinating and thought provoking.
Baroque and Victorian periods are especially evident in my designs and my work often delves into the expression and characterisation of our human nature, which we may hide away and only ever glimpse at when prompted by a reflection of our inner selves.
A life can outwardly appear quite ordinary but inside of ourselves, we can create endlessly and without limitations.
Painting and creating from my studio I spend my days following my dream of working as an artist"
Bio written by Gillian via the etsy profile

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