
Saturday, December 10, 2011

betsy grace

Christmas Napkins in RED Linen Set of 6 Merry Christmas Typography
"Hello there! I am a stay~at~home~mom of six great kids. What a crazy, wonderful life! Some up, some down. But, no matter what, my family is the most important thing in my life.
I've been sewing since I was a little girl. My Grandpa got me a sewing machine of my own when I was 10 and I have been hooked ever since. Wow, was that really 28 years ago?? More recently my husband bought me an embroidery machine. This machine has really opened up a whole new world for me.
One day I asked myself what I could do to earn a little money and stay busy. I found etsy through a friend and was excited! I never thought there would ever be an outlet for making money doing what I enjoy. Sewing! So, why embroidered linens? With my family of six kids there is no way I can put linen on my table! I guess this is my way of trying to make someone else's table beautiful. Just to work with the fabric and package it up pretty makes me feel happy. Someday I can use beautiful linens on my own table but for now I will be content with all of the tables in the world that are made beautiful because of my handiwork!
My oldest daughter has started helping me with my work. She trims threads, makes labels, and presses the edges of the linens prior to my hemming them. We are having fun working together and I love being able to teach her something about what I love to do. ♥"
bio written by Missy via the etsy profile

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