
Saturday, March 26, 2011


Workshop by karlincaroline
Workshop, a photo by karlincaroline on Flickr.

"I think it's important as a photographer not to just copy and imitate other photographers" - Joel Tjintjelaar

This past week was, in a word, challenging. It was spring break and it was anything less than a break. I went from NYC > work > CreateAthon > back to NYC. Don't get me wrong...all the while I was doing everything I love: advertising, marketing, and photography, but it was very fast paced with little sleep in between.

Everything came to a fabulous fruition, however, this past Sunday when I had the privilege of attending Brooke Shaden's workshop in NYC. "Inspired" is an understatement. I left feeling both accomplished and the need to accomplish more. I can't say enough about Brooke and what she was able to teach us that day. We not only went through the technical processes, but, perhaps more importantly, the careful planning and crafting of each image.

I know for any and all artists, it's very discouraging when someone copies your style that you've work so hard at developing. For an artist to go out on a limb and share their process with you at the expense of potentially being copied is honorable in and of itself. Brooke really taught us to be our own artist and to work at developing our own world. This is the image I shot at the workshop. I, by no means, plan for this to be my style. This style is something Brooke has worked hard at developing on her own and she should get full credit for it. I am, however, very much looking forward to seeing how I can use these technical aspects towards developing my own personal style.

Thank you, Brooke, for sharing and inspiring :)

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