
Wednesday, February 16, 2011

needle you

Needlepoint Lovey Dovey Belt Buckle
"Needle You belt buckles are a one-woman run show of stylish handmade eclectic needlepoint buckles in a variety of rich colors & designs to satisfy anyone looking for a different kind of accesory...Alumna of The School of the Art Institute of Chicago + worked in visual merchandising for Marshall Fields = Has an eye for the aesthetic & yet prefers to march to the beat of her own drum~"
bio written by Leslie via her etsy profile

1 comment:

  1. 16, 2011 at 9:14 AM

    Thank You very much Jenny! I'll share this on my Needle You fb page & Twitter.

    the buckles cost between $35 - 45 dollars & there are $15 dollar necklaces too. Any buckle or pendant can be special ordered to have their colors changed around or a whole design made just for you or a friend. Thanks : )
    Mother's Day is around the corner~
