
Saturday, January 29, 2011

toys by toddles

Edward, a vintage tie teddy
"I first fell in love with teddy bears at age seven, when Santa left me Bearfoot as a bonus gift.
From then on, I collected everything bear-related. I had mugs, cookie jars, posters and, of course, more stuffed bears. Then on my 13th birthday, my mom took me to lunch and handed me a skinny box with a big bow. Inside was Albert, a floppy bear with crooked eyes and a white turtleneck sweater.
"He's your last one," she said.
I was happy and crushed - until I learned how to make bears. Then no one could say how many I could have. Making and selling them became my after-school job. (They paid for my first typewriter.)
Twenty-five years later, I’ve let more animals into my heart. But, I’m still using the same antique Singer sewing machine with the knee-pedal that my mom gave me. We continue to collaborate on fashions for some of my charges who look their best when they’re dressed instead of au natural."
bio written by Penelope via her etsy profile

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