
Thursday, January 6, 2011


Dry flowers From My Garden Cabochon Necklace with Glass Pearls
"Despite of different jobs,my hobby followed me since my young ages up to now. I have been always happy to learn and practice all kinds of handmade arts and always been told that my designs were original and very stylish. some of them are:knitting,crochet,needlework,needlepoint,wood painting,one stroke,flower decorating,sewing, glaas painting, handmade jewellery, wire,etc.
I started my own line on jewellery with bali style and modern jewellery and specialised in authentique anatolian jewellery.
In other words I am bringing the old etnique traditions to our modern life.
I want to thank my two sons who are helping me in my business:)
All the products you see there are designed with love .I am trying very hard to intoduce oya culture ,since ottomans, to my buyers.Also I am designing traditional handmade textile necklaces and bracelets from old Anatolia .
You can find supplies about it in my supply shop.
In my designs I like to use exotic colored beads, crystal, hand stitched flowers, ceramic and glass beads, l eaves, old time money, leather, knitting pieces and combine them with modern materials.
Every piece is unique and each jewellery has its own story in Anatolia which makes sense to me."
bio written by kirevi8 via her etsy profile

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