
Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Lisa Falzon

The Wrecker - mermaid and harp
"I am 27 years old. 'Meluseena' has been my online alias ever since I've been online (1998!). It's a corruption of the name 'Melusine', who happens to be the heroine in a French fairytale I love.
I live in rural Ireland at the moment, but I lived in France for a while and before that, Malta. I think of myself as a citizen of the world.
I'm a writer and illustrator, working primarily in the digital medium. I've done children's book illustrations, book covers, CD covers, banners for buses, billboards.
I published my first book November 08, called 'Xi Mkien Iehor', it's a children's book in my native language, Maltese. It was published by Merlin, book publishers in Malta.
I used to take part in solo and group exhibitions, but I've discovered that selling art directly to buyers all over the world is much more satisfactory"
bio written by Lisa via her etsy profile

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