
Wednesday, June 16, 2010


"I am currently a stay-at-home-mom of two small baby girls, recently retired from my full time job as a civil engineer. I have been creating things my entire life and whenever possible, I choose to make my own instead of buying something. The name of my store comes from the fact that I am part of a family-owned and operated apple orchard. When I first started dating my now-husband, his family let me display my jewelry in the apple store. It went over better than I ever expected and I have continued to create things to sell during the apple season. I am also proud to sell a few items made by mother-in-law, Diane, and my sister-in-law, Karma. I lucked out when I married into an extremely talented family! The long-arm quilting on many of the quilts you see here was done by my aunt-in-law, Barb, from Make sure you check out her shop for more amazing quilts!"
bio written by kim via her etsy profile

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