
Tuesday, February 9, 2010

mental institute?

I think I'm loosing my mind. Quite frequently, I will forget what I am doing when I get there, my thought are so erratic (3 a : characterized by lack of consistency, regularity, or uniformity ). Maybe it's because I have so many projects on the go and don't know where to start first, sometimes, and often end up not getting anything done. I like being busy, and having a "to do" list, but it doesn't give me much time to create something new or something for myself... if that makes any sense... I wonder if I'm the only proper thinking person around. I see so many people making these bizzare choices and wonder what's between their ears. Maybe they are the normal ones and I'm the bizzare one...


  1. maybe you just need coffee. this is how I am when I don't get coffee.

  2. sounds like stress related anxiety to me! maybe you need to slow down a little if you have a lot going on, and give your mind a break... i have issues like that at times and its always when im at my most preoccupied with everything

  3. Write stuff down.
    It frees one up to conquer it all in due time.

  4. Everybody is just different & that's a good thing.

  5. I'm a huge fan of the "To Do" List too!! I like to write every little thing down so I can cross it off & feel like I've accomplished something!! And with the forgetting thing... My boyfriend likes to call it my "Brain Skips" (like a record!).

  6. I forget everything too...that is because too many things on your mind. Just write them down and remember to check the list...sometimes I forget that too LOL

  7. I only forget the things I need to remember!
