
Friday, October 9, 2009


Lookee, lookee!! My bear/mermaid stuffie was featured on Cutable today!! Maybe I should make another one of these and see how it does in my etsy shop...

Thursday, October 8, 2009

RIP, Kaylee

Our neighbors had to put Kaylee to sleep last night. It was comming to the point where he was suffering. he had a terrible, terrible cough and it just got worse and worse. Even though he was not my dog, I loved him an awful lot. he would get all excited when we popped over for a minute, I'd always have a treat for him and he'd sit in front of the door, not letting us leave until he got it. Peter & Trish got Kaylee as a wedding present 16 years ago. He lived a long happy life & we will all miss him terribly. RIP, Kaylee!
***photo by me

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

ButterSword and a Photo Update

I am so thrilled that people are liking the "artists and their art" zines!
I am also excited to see that ButterSword actually drew about it on their website, not once, but twice!!
Lately, I've been super busy with sewing stuffies for swaps and custom doll clothes and I had another go at icicle dolls:

Cutting out fabric squares and sewing lap quilts for Christmas presents:

Trying to use up the green tomatos from our garden, by making pickles/chow:

We'd like to get back to the camp, again:

and stay overnight a night or two, but it's been raining for nearly a week straight.
The last time we were there, I finally caught this big frog (I'd been trying for weeks) and got some cute photos of him:

Last night, I found two of my journals that I kept during the year or so after I graduated. I am typing them out and will be making a zine(s) out of them. They are full of raw emotions and honesty!
I'm really feeling great these days...